Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Time is running out to see beautiful wildflower displays

You have a few more weeks to see the most amazing displays of wildflowers in central Texas.  From Austin to Houston via Brenham or spoking out to San Antonio or Burnet County, roadsides are filled with a great variety of red, blue, yellow, pink, white, and magenta blooms.

Pick your favorite route around Marble Falls, Kingsland, Mason, Lake Buchanan, Llano, Burnet, or Fredericksburg (go north on TX 16 and around Enchanted Rock).  Wherever you drive, the flowers are outstanding.  Plan at least half a day--a whole day is better--for your adventure.  You'll want to stop often to admire the scenery and take dozens of photos.  You may even decide to backtrack to a spot you passed by quickly but realized was truly spectacular.

Willow City Loop is one of the best known destinations for people wanting photos of kids or pets among the colorful flowers, and for good reason. The fields are loaded with blooms, but keep in mind that it's private property, and some land owners aren't crazy about folks tramping down their flowers. Contrary to what some think, it's not against the law to pick bluebonnets, Texas' state flower.  However, it is against the law to trespass, so be courteous when choosing a place for that perfect picture. 
Find out what kinds of wildflowers have been spotted, where, and when at where individuals post their experiences each day, or check

Photos by Beverly Burmeier


  1. Wow -- these pictures are beautiful! I like the wildflower pics from Hill County too Thanks for sharing.

  2. Beautiful photos! Thanks for the reminder.
