Thursday, June 5, 2014

What should boomers (and anyone) look for in a destination spa?

Clients wander the grounds at Lake Austin Spa and Resort
With the boomer population clocking in at 78 million and those over 50 years of age controlling  more than 70 percent of disposable income, it’s no wonder businesses from all corners of commerce are catering to this generation’s needs.

Water provides activities like kayaking, hydrobiking--or just great views.
That’s not to say every 50-year-old is ready for the rocking chair, but a growing trend is gyms and fitness facilities created just for boomers. Amenities include low impact cardio workouts, no free weights or treadmills, background music from the 50s and 60s, and an environment that doesn’t make a member feel “old” but vibrant and empowered. One of the best places to address all aspects of a boomer’s lifestyle is at a destination spa.

Pools provide a soothing environment and a place to socialize.
Of course, many boomers want to challenge themselves with hiking, kayaking, and other active adventures. Plenty of destination spas provide activities suitable for all ages, including fit boomers. But if you’re looking for a destination spa that takes age into consideration, think about these aspects before booking a multi-day stay:

Fitness: Look for classes that address your generation’s specific needs, such as low impact cardio classes, including aqua cardio and dance classes, brisk walks or morning strolls, and“chair” classes for those with mobility restrictions.

Cooking classes are another popular option at destination spas.
Instructors: Are they young enough to be your grandchildren or are they boomers themselves?

Diet and Nutrition: Is the cuisine not only healthy and nutritious, but also controlled in its calorie count? Does the spa offer table salt or refined sugar as condiments?

Yoga classes attract clients at Barton Creek Resort's spa.
Mind over Matter: The spa should offer emotional and spiritual support through its daily programs.
Time to relax-with lovely views--is important to boomer
spa clients.
Camaraderie and Culture: Find out what the average age is for the spa’s guests. That will shed light on whether the spa is comfortable and relaxed for boomers, instead of populated by super bendy, hard-body 20-somethings.  Also, look for grounds and surroundings that are peaceful?

Treatments: Do the spa’s treatments include ones for older clientele such as collagen renewing, anti-aging, vitamin C treatments, or massages that soothe achy joints?

Indulge in rejuvenating spa treatments.
Accommodations and Pricing: Are accommodations spacious and have amenities that make a boomer feel at home?  Can guests share a room, and is the pricing not only reasonable but also all inclusive?

Soothing massage aids physical and emotional renewal.
A destination spa vacation should promote physical and emotional renewal and as well as provide exercise and nutritional education. It can be the best couple of days you spend away from home all year if the program fits your needs. 

But don't forget to exercise!
Information contributed by Karen Gee-McAuley, Relevance PR
Photos by Beverly Burmeier and

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