Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Taking pictures increases enjoyment of travel

When traveling, I’m a constant photographer. Photos serve to remind me of where I’ve been and experiences I’ve enjoyed (the pictures in my mind don’t last!). Of course, I also realize the value of putting the camera away, staying in the moment, and savoring the scenery or experience first-hand.
Use your camera to record what you
see and do when traveling.
Since I’m rarely without a camera (or two or three) when traveling, I was delighted to learn that people who take photos of their experiences usually enjoy the events more than people who don’t.

Yes, there was an actual study: Research published by the American Psychological Association affirms that rather than detracting, photo-taking adds enjoyment to activities, whether just everyday goings-on or special events such as people experience when they travel.
The research showed that, relative to not taking photos, photography can heighten enjoyment of positive experiences by increasing engagement. In other words, you tend to pay more attention to what is happening and your surroundings when you take pictures.

Active participation--taking your own photos—draws people into the experience, so you spend more time interacting or critically examining whatever you are photographing. The effect is lost if there’s just a camera recording an experience without a person’s active decision of what to capture.
Cameras in cell phones
are handy and take
good pictures, too.
When taking pictures, you may look at the scene from several different angles or take a series of photos as the scene or activity changes. You probably focus more intently on what the camera sees and notice details that a casual observer might miss. It’s this engagement that results in positive feelings about an experience. And those happy feelings are reinforced when you share your photos—and experiences—with others.

I won’t ever feel guilty again about shooting thousands of photos on my travels!

 Photos from free image sites.

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