Thursday, March 15, 2018

Got the blues? Take a trip

Feeling depressed? Rather than trying to hide from the painful feelings, think outside yourself. One great solution to chase away those blah or even deep blue feelings is to plan a vacation.
Yes, travel can be the best potion to treat the melancholy or bad memories that take you to a place you don’t want to be. Travel has the potential to help you escape those feelings of sadness and inspire you to be a better you.

If you’re bogged down with a bad job, unhappy social life, or poor relationships, travel can take you mentally and physically away from those situations. Forget the hustle and bustle of your everyday life and ease into the serenity of a natural environment. Escape to the mountains, beach, or a secluded rural setting and let the calmness tame the misery in your mind.

Once that happens you’ll be open to discovering another aspect of the world—a real and brilliant world--not the one in which you feel depressed or sad. Sure, travel is enjoyable, but it also introduces you to beautiful scenery, different cultures, tasty foods, and new friends.
Challenge yourself—try something new. Go rock climbing, ziplining, or snorkeling in a new and fascinating place. Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone builds confidence, so you’ll be able tackle whatever comes your way after you return home.

Travel helps you see yourself and others in a new light. It can help you find a purpose, gain new skills, and discover qualities about yourself you were unaware of. It teaches you to be responsible and enables you to gain independence. It’s easier to make new friends, stimulate your brain, and soothe your soul when traveling away from home. And it’s so much fun!

When you move out of the daily grind, you’ll make so many wonderful memories that will lift you up just by recounting your adventures to yourself or others afterwards. To make sharing easier, be sure to take plenty of photos, write in a journal, or record your thoughts and feelings as you go.
Travel simply makes us better people by helping us understand ourselves and the people we meet along the way more completely. Rather than hiding from the world, we embrace it—and leave depression behind.

Photos by Larry and Beverly Burmeier


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