If you’ve been bitten by the
yard sale bug, always on the lookout for a bargain, the World’s Longest YardSale is positively paradise.
Sightseers and shoppers,
sellers and schleppers—all mingle in an immense mass of goods salvaged from
attics, barns, and back porches. Snaking for 600 miles through six states, this
yard sale is junkster’s nirvana.
And it’s happening in August.
Starting in Gadsden, Alabama,
on top of Lookout Mountain, the 127 Yard Sale is, in reality, an incredible
marketing strategy. Organized in 1987 by
local chambers of commerce, this extended yard sale was an attempt to bring
people off the interstate system onto the less traveled mountain roads. Rural communities
embraced the concept, and it grew steadily in popularity. Through Alabama, into
Georgia, Tennessee, and Kentucky, Ohio, and Michigan, the train of tables
extends along the Hwy. 127 corridor (hence the name), offering a leisurely tour
of rural America in addition to bargain hunting.
Campers to computers. Purses to puppies. Unused windows, lawn mower parts, a
smattering of “antiques” and honest-to-goodness craft items. Everything imaginable, including the kitchen
sink, is strewn along the roadside in this sale. People from all over the country plan
vacations encompassing this haggling heaven, whether they are sellers or
But my husband and I happened
upon this event several years ago by accident. Gadsden was an overnight
stop on our road trip from Texas
to the Smoky Mountains .
“Did you come for the yard
sale?” asked the manager of our hotel when we checked in. Although we were clueless, other guests knew
just which way to head out in the morning.

Still unaware of the event’s magnitude,
we headed for Lookout Mountain Parkway, a recommended scenic drive according to
our guidebook.
What unfolded along this
road, also known in the Gadsden area as Tabor Road, became more fascinating
with each passing mile. Actually, the
miles merely crept along in a swarm of people, autos, and goods. Roadsides teemed with tables, tents, and
tourists. Cars lurched as drivers scoped
out their next stop.
Toys, hubcaps, dishes, or
baby cribs. Vintage jewelry, farm-fresh
vegetables, and fishing lures. It’s all there
for the haggling. Nobody missed an opportunity to make a buck or find a
Shoppers can jump into the
longest yard sale at either end or somewhere in the middle. This year the sale is scheduled for August 5-8, time enough to cover the whole route, if you have a mission, by
selectively choosing stops.
People all along the route
embrace this marketing ploy, whether they live in towns or in rural areas
connected only by ribbons of two-lane road. Wares are spread on tables,
blankets, or bare ground and faithfully tended in village parking lots, private
front yards, and open fields.
As miles of hilly farmland
planted in corn and beans rolled by, yard sales thinned but never disappeared
for long. “Got Milk—and Butter, Fresh
Churned,” proclaimed one farm house sign.
Boiled peanuts, watermelon, lemonade, and hot dogs were offered to tempt
tourists off the road and to keep their stamina strong for the next round of
deal making.
Thousands of vendors participate,
and locals often rent cabins and campsites to those who follow the craft fair
circuit. Some homeowners also rent space
in their yards for sellers to set up shop. Sellers come in old school buses, campers, or
trucks loaded with new, or almost new, and often obviously used goods hoping to
catch the fancy of passing motorists. Roadsides become outdoor malls swarming
with super shoppers.
Following the trail takes the
traveler through beautiful mountain scenery, forests, and rolling hills, with
several state parks and recreation areas along the way for moments of
relaxation. It was definitely a scenic route with enormous appeal for a variety of reasons.
It’s an incredible
experience, a little tacky and wacky, but truly fun for those who love to shop
until they drop—and take home plenty of goods as proof.
Dates for 2021 are August 5-8. Find printable or interactive
route map at www.127yardsale.com/route-map. More information at www.127sale.com
Photos from free sources
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